Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Potty Training

I decided to give potty training a try last night and oh boy, do you need a lot of patience. I had Tyler drink 2 full cups of juice then sat her on her little toilet in front of a movie and told her "don't get up until you go potty". And I expected her to listen and understand?, what was I thinking, she's not even 2 yet. So anyways, I leave her there and go down stairs to start dinner and about 5 minutes later she comes walking down the stairs and pees all over the tile. So I yell at her and say "no on the toilet". I sit with her on the toilet for a couple minutes, nothing. So I sit her on her chair to feed her diner and she pees everywhere. Again I yell at her, sit her on the toilet and nothing. Back to her chair to finish dinner and pees everwhere again!! I'm about ready to loose it, so no more dinner, upstairs to sit on her little toilet and "not get up". So I go down stairs to clean up more pee and I hear her upstairs saying,"on toilet". She had stood up off the toilet to go pee on the carpet!! So then I do loose it. Put her back on her toilet and I start scrubbing the carpet, the whole time yelling at her, then all the sudden I hear her peeing in the toilet!! So I go from totally yelling at her to totally praising her!! Poor Tyler probably had no idea what was going on, but I was soooo excited she finally went in the toilet after all of that.
Then she woke up this morning with the worst diarhea and diaper rash, I think I gave her too much juice :( I am so horrible for yelling at her so much when she didn't even know what she was doing, I definently need to learn more patience. So maybe I'll let her rash go away and try again, with more understanding this time. She'll be 2 next month, so my goal is to have her potty trained sometime around then.


Anonymous said...

Kimber wow! its like training your dog how to pee out side. I don't have kids but I kind of relate since I had two puppies. How frustrating. That pic is so adorable with little Ty and her blanky!

Moss Family said...

Kimber! Your blog is way cute! And of course, so are your girls! I can't believe how big they are getting! I am so glad Tyler is back to being healthy...what a traumatic couple of weeks

Anonymous said...

Not cool, Kimber. You can't potty train Tyler until I potty train Colby - which means she won't be potty trained until she's four at least!

Toria said...

Kimber, after we discussed this at lunch on Tuesday (thanks- it was fun to see you) I didn't think you were going to try right away!!! Don't get discouraged, although I am a firm believer that it will be a LOT easier if you just try to focus on that and nothing else. Although, what do I know, I've only done it once. Good luck!

Nancy said...

Oh Man Kimber! Potty training is the worst! I also suffer from a lack of patience, it's hard though when you're the one who has to clean up the pee. Good luck!

Amie said...

Hey Kimber! You're always ahead of the game! I know Nikki has started potty training Keaton and it's going well. I haven't even thought about starting Aiden. I agree with Heidi, they know when they're ready and then they just do it. Maybe she just isn't ready yet. I know that girls usually potty train sooner than boys, but I tried to train Alex from the time he was two until two and a half and it was a nightmare. I finally quit and right at three he was ready and it was a PIECE of CAKE. Hope this helps!

The Becker Bunch said...

HOW FUNNY!! I was just about to post a thing on my blog about potty training Keat. As Amie said, it is going pretty well...but we aren't doing it in hopes he'll be TRAINED, we're just getting him used to the potty and what not. She'll catch on. Give me a call...maybe we can swap ideas!! It'd be fun to get together and let the kiddos hang out!