Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Story of Baby Tayte's Birth

Tayte Ruby Eastman
Tayte- we just have always really liked this name. When we thought we were having a boy, that was gonna be his name. Then when we found out we were having a girl, we thought it would be just as cute for a girl. I was spelling it Tayt, then Dave saw it in the hospital and really wanted to add an e to the end, thought it looked more faminine:)

Ruby- This is after my granny, Ruby Riding

Born: Thursday, May 20th 2010 at 1:05 pm

Weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long

Original due date: May 29th

The Story: I had my last Dr.'s apt. last Mon. and the doc said "your ready, how about we bring you in this Wed. night. I said, well my mom's in Hawaii until Fri. He said, ok lets bring you in Sunday night. So that was the plan.

We woke up Wed. morning and Dave said, "let's have the baby tonight!" He had some really important meeting in Prescott next Mon. and Tues., so this way he wouldn't have to miss those and then could take the rest of this week off and the end of next week. So would have more days off to spend with us. I didn't really know what to think, have a baby THAT day, really?? So then I was just kind of in shock all that day and a little overwhelmed. Dave came home really early on Wed. to help and make sure everything was ready for baby Tayte to come.- YIKES (wasn't sure if I was ready to have a baby!)

The hospital said they would call between 6pm and 3am that night. So around seven we took the girls to where they would be staying (thanks Jess, Alisa & Tami!!), then came home and waited. And waited and waited. Finally 1am they called, said we had to check into our room by 2am. So here we go to have a baby, ready or not.

We get there at 2am Thurs. May 20th, they show us our room and say our nurse will be in in a little while. We both lay day on the skinny hospital bed and fall asleep. About 3:30 am a nurse finally comes in and not until about 5am they start hooking me all up and doing something. (why didn't they just let us sleep at home on our comfy bed and come in at 5am???)

First and WORST part of the whole labor experience was putting the IV in me. I hate, hate that part!! and it took about an hour for it to stop bugging me. I was dialated to about a 2, so they gave me one gel to start getting me going. They said the dr. would be in around 7:30am to break my water. Even though I wasn't feeling any contractions I wanted my epideral BEFORE he broke my water. So they came right in and gave me my epideral (2nd worse part about giving birth), but is SOOOO worth it. I was pretty comfortable from there on out.

About 7:30 Dr. came in and broke my water and estimated she would come around 1-2 that afternoon. So we just relaxed, Kacey came and visited and sure enough right around 12:30 the nurse told me to start practice pushing. They called the dr. and out she came at 1:05pm.

It all went relatively good. I only pushed for maybe 1/2 hour which wasn't too bad, but in the middle her heart rate kept dropping, so they thought the cord might be wrapped around her and then they started saying "She's OP, she's OP! This is an OP baby!" Me and Dave were thinking, what the heck does OP mean??!, and that made us a bit nervous. To find out after the fact OP stands for Occiput Posterior, which means the baby's head was face up instead of down. Which makes it a lot harder for her to come out, and her face has to scrape against my pelvic bone. They had to use the vacuum and suck her pretty hard to get her out (major cone head, but looks good now). And poor thing came out with her right eye all swollen from trying to get out.

But she made it safe and sound and is just the sweetest, cutest baby ever!! She was so good in the hospital and continues to be an absolute angel.

She already has Dave wrapped around her finger. He absolutely adores her! It's so cute.
Right after she came out. Poor thing had a tuff time coming out, she looks like she was in a fight. But she recovered quickly and by the time they cleaned her all up, she looked perfect.

Aunt Kacey and Uncle Kyle
The girls were SOOOOO excited to meet baby Tayte! They were SOOO cute with her!

I can't believe we have a family of FIVE now!!!

My great friends who came to visit and brought my big girls and brought me dinner. Alisa, Tami and Jess.

The big girls were only home with her one day, then went to gigi's for the weekend (thank goodness!), but that one day they were obsessed with baby Tayte (kinda drove me crazy, but so cute!) Always wanting to hold her and talk to her and sing to her. They are gonna be good big sisters.

Gigi was in Hawaii only cause she thought I wasn't having her for another week, and was really upset to miss it. But is home now and is gonna come stay with me for the next couple days to help. YAY!
LOVE this picture! My 3 girls! Mads, Ty & Tayte


Melanie said...

She's absolutely beautiful! She looks just like her older sisters too! Congratulations Kimber! You look Fantastic!

Amie said...

Congrats Eastman family! She's a doll! I can't wait to meet her in person. Glad everyone is home and doing well. Take care!

Toria said...

congratulations Kimber. she's so cute and you really do look amazing! Tan and blonde- impressive.

Enjoy your three girls- what fun!

Dre + Drew - Pacific Northwest Living - DuPont, WA said...

OH KIMBER YOUR POST MADE ME CRY. What a beautiful family. I loved the part about her being wrapped around Dave's little finger, so precious. That last picture is priceless those smiles on Mads and Ty are perfect and so sincere! They are so happy to have another little sister. I am glad everything went well. I do want an epideral before my water breaks too!!! Now I know to be cautious of IV and the epideral. I am super excited to meet little Tayte and I love the"E"!

Rochelle said...

Congrats! She is SOOOOO CUTE!!! I love the pics with her and her big sisters! They are gonna drive you crazy for quite a while...but its totally worth it. Alyssa still mothers Tannon quite a bit and its really sweet. I don't know what I'd do without her.

Amanda said...

So excited for you guys and the new little addition to your family! I am so happy things went well with the delivery! Crazy, I thought she came naturally! Love you guys!!

Unknown said...

Congrats, Kimber! Another absolutely beautiful little girl to add to your beautiful family.

Tami G. said...

Your family looks so good with five people in it! Love you guys :)