Thursday, March 11, 2010

She's a Natural

I guess since we're not gonna have any boys, Ty's gonna be our little tomboy, sportzy one. She did "ok" in dance last year, but she hated putting on her leotard and a tutu everyweek for class.
Then when she got her soccer shorts for her birthday this year she did not want to take them off for like 3 days (even snuck them on under her pj's one night). I guess that says it all.....

She LOVES soccer! Dave took her and Madix to pick out their very own soccer balls, Ty picked this one with flames on it.

Thank goodness Madix has Hanna to keep her occupied during Ty's practice. Eating a roll, notice the PINK soccer ball that Mads picked out (she's all girly).

"Go team!"

The first game was last Saturday. Luckily she got to be on the same team as her good bud Colby.

Warming up. I was a little nervous, cause at practice she would just kick the ball really hard in any direction, BUT I was very pleasantly surprised.

Here she is during the game getting the ball. I don't think she realizes she's not supposed to take it away from her team mates (and who care if it's out of bounds:). But at this age we're just happy if she can get the ball.

So, she stole the ball from her team mate and dribbled, yes dribbled ALL the way down the field and scored a goal!!!! Go Ty! It was so fun to watch, and she scored one or two more that game. Like I said, she's a natural.


Tami G. said...

These are fun times for our kids. I'm so glad they're growing up together. Don't ever move away from me okay?

Nancy said...

There's nothing better than watching your kid play soccer, seriously, I love it! She's so cute in her little uniform and congrats on the goals!

Nielsen Family said...

Cute! I am starting little Mai in Gymnastics this fall after we move to town. Surprisingly little mai still likes dance. It is so fun to see Ty Ty out there when she is just a little thing.

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh her soccer outfit is so cute! Seeing that picture makes me want to have a kid! I am glad Dave got "some" aspect of a boy out of all the girls :)