We had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas! First 2 things worthy of recording. We've started a little Christmas tradition of doing a little secret santa drop off to a family in our ward who could use a little help. Dave wanted to just give it to the bishop to give to them (that's what we did last year), but I wanted the girls to be a part of it, which ment we had to drop it at the door and run. So the first night we went me and Ty were gonna run up to the door, then run. Well the door was open with just the screen door closed and the family all sitting right there. So we had to wait. Me and Dave were out 2 nights before Christmas so we decided we just had to do it. I was driving so Dave had to drop and run. Not only was the nighbor out watching the whole thing but Dave's 2nd attempt to the door (he chickened out the first time), went all wrong. As he opened the screen door to slide the gift in, the door opened! Caught red handed!! Dave was in shock and was so flustered he didn't know what to say. (you'll have to ask him for the full story....soooo funny!) He got in the car and was sooo mad at me for making him do that, I couldn't stop laughing. It was all for a good cause.
Secondly for the first time in my life (besides chopping my hair on my mission), I got a new hair style! It's nothing extreme, but it's big for me. I really wanted a change but am too chicken to cut my hair, so I got some bangs.

What do ya think? It's a good little change, we'll see how long it last.

Twas the night before Christmas! We stayed at "gigi's" house with my sister. I think Santa came. Notice Ty's cool red scooter over on the side.

We were all good this year, no coal in our stockings.

Christmas morning! I was actually the first one up at 6:30, we had to wake the kids up. I couldn't believe Ty didn't wake up earlier, she was SOOOO excited!!

Opening stockings. Madix couldn't get past the candy canes.

Me and Kacey both got new watches.
We had a great Christmas, hope you did too!!
Love your new look!!!! I love the bangs, you look so good with bangs. I would love to hear the full story of your secret santa experience, how funny, I could picture the entire thing. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!
Your bangs are cute! :) Glad you had a great Christmas... was good to see you at the family party!
I thought something was different! Looks cute! as always! Are you loving the tramp?! Looks like fun! We'll miss your company!!
I'm loving the bangs, but I swear you had them once before and didn't like them so you were always putting them up with a bobbi pin, they were different though, and I really like the way they are cut, it looks so good on you, looks like a fun Christmas! Maybe you'll come to Utah again for it next year!
Ya, what about the time Melanie cut your bangs in college? You were cute then too. You could shave your head and still be more stylish than me!
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