Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How did I do it?

OK, so I've had a lot of people ask me how I've gotten in such good shape.....
Trust me, there is still things I really need to work on and my body isn't completely how I would like it, but, I do feel great and am in probably the best shape of my life right now. So, how'd I do it??
I heard awhile ago, about a year and half, when I really started working out, that it was all about building your muscles, which in turn boosts your metabolism, which makes your body burn more calories, which in turn makes you loose weight. I know a lot of people are afraid of "bulking" up, but I thought I would give it a try and it totally worked for me. I would only do cardio about once or twice a week, then the other 2 or 3 days I would focus just on muscle building. There's a body works class I take that I love, it's an hour of just squats and lifting weights. When I was stuck at home I did "turbo jam" dvd. It's the beach body girl, but I've never done the cardio ones I only ever did turbo scultp (muscle training). So that's what I did for about a year and lost about 20 lbs. Now as for keeping it off, for the past 6 months or so it's all about raquetball!! Yes, I'm addicted and I love it and it's such a great workout (if you play competitively and really hard). I play for about an hour usually 3 days a week and it's a FULL body workout. I work every muscle in my body, and so much more fun than just a typical workout. If your looking for a new sport to pick up this is it! I can't get enough.

So, yah I don't look quite this good. And do you really think she actually plays raquetball??

This is me playing my bro-in-law Andrew when they came to visit. Only Dierdre would think to take these pictures, thanks Dre.

It was fun playing him. We kind of have an ongoing competition in everything we do. Over Christmas it was ping pong and it was pretty close between us. But I have to say I killed him in raquetball:) And in all fareness he kicked my butt at wakeboarding.

Here are some awesome moves.

I always jump over the ball when it's coming straight for me:) Kody calls it the Kimber move.

Now as for my diet: This is my theory, if I totally changed my diet and ate only "really healthy" foods, then as soon as I started eating "yummy non-healthy" food I would gain weight again. And I love food way too much to give up the good stuff. So I pretty much still eat whatever I want (yes chocolate EVERY day, chips, icecream, fried foods, I eat it all) (which is not good and I should try and be healthier), but I think my body is used to it and can burn all the junk I eat as long as I continue to work out all the time. "Workout hard, so you can eat yummies!)
SO there you go, Kimbers fitness 101.


Melanie said...

You look tons better than the girl in blue!!! You've ALWAYS looked great...it's kind of annoying really. :) Thanks for sharing!

Toria said...

thanks Kimber. I agree with the eating/ dieting philosophy. I do the same thing. I need chocolate every day too!

I just got back to Dubai yesterday- time to get back in the groove and get this body in shape (once I get the childcare situation worked out so I can find the time)
John has been playing racquet ball with his work buddies and is loving it too. Looks like fun. Give me 6 months and I'll let you know how things work for me.

The Becker Bunch said...

You DO look amazing, though you always have! Blah! :) Thanks for the advice...I need to start something. I have 3 kids worth of weight I need to get off...double blah!

Dre + Drew - Pacific Northwest Living - DuPont, WA said...

Loved the post thanks for the tips. I love love love the food philosophy it has always been mine, work out so you can still eat the junk!! I agree full heartedly I could never give up the goods! Keep up the good work. I am rooting you on for your mini triathalon. With invitro coming up I have had to put that on hold. I did have fun playing racquetball!

Tami G. said...

Ha ha - that's funny because I do the exact opposite. I don't eat chocolate so that I'll never have to work out! But don't follow my philosophy because I'm really fat.

Alisa Needler said...

LOVE the body works class you've got me addicted to! Thanks for the tip! But.... why again do I not look like you???? ;o)

Rochelle said...

Awesome tips! I started a new class too called Body Pump. Love it!
You look awesome!

Nancy said...

I was probably in the best shape of my life when we lived in Hawaii because when you live with Kimber you are active whether you want to be or not. I wish I had your drive to play, or at least that you were my neighbor so you could kick my butt. Want to move to Utah?

Dawn said...

I'm with Nancy, want to move to Utah? I need a workout buddy. I have some serious baby weight to lose so I just may try Kimbers exercise plan. Thanks for the tips!