Friday, August 14, 2009

My Poor Baby!

So last Monday night Mads and Ty are having a blast playing in the pool while me and Dave are eating dinner and then it's bedtime and time to get out. They both get wrapped up in towels and are walking inside when poor Madix trips over her long towel and being all wrapped up as no arms to catch her fall!! Your probably cringing right now, I do everytime I think about it. Face first right into our tile! Breaks her tooth! Oh we felt so bad and stressed about it all night. We thought since it's her baby tooth their not gonna do anything about it, so I just kept thinking she's gonna have to start school with half a tooth and all the kids are gonna make fun of her, and Dave thinks it's gonna ruin her self esteem for the rest of her life and all her pictures for the next 6-8 years are gonna be ruin. The thoughts went on and on. I didn't sleep all night, just kept picturing her falling right on her face with no arms to help her.

Poor tooth! And lip where both her teeth went in. Yes she was gushing blood.

Oh, her poor cute smile!!

So first thing the next morning I got her into the dentist, not good news! She has an exposed nerve so they have to to a nerve treatment (a.k.a a root canal)! Are you kidding me, on a two year old! Oh, stress, stress, stress just thinking about it.

Thursday morning we go in, they sedate her. They made her drink this yucky stuff, then I had to sit in a room with her for an hour while it took affect. At times she got a bit loopy and goofy, like she was drunk. I was laughing. At the end she just got really drowsy. They took her back, contrained her in pretty much a straitjacket, and put her on laughing gas. Within a minute she was asleep, then I had to leave. They said she slept through the whole thing. It wasn't as bad as I stressed about for 2 days. Then they capped her tooth and it looks as good as new! Whew!

Her new tooth, you would never even know.

Yay, her adorable smile is all fixed. (her smile itself is a little crooked, but I love it!)
Man the things we have to go through with kids. Tyler had her surgery at about this same age too. And they're NOT cheap.
I was thinking the night it happened when I was awake all night, "if I can't sleep from a fall and a little broken tooth, man I'm NEVER gonna get any sleep when their teenagers!"


bretandjulie said...

Poor Madix! But kids are so resilient, it's amazing how quickly they bounce back. Glad that they were able to fix it and she was out so she didn't feel the pain.

Tami G. said...

She definately does look good as new - I'm so glad. And so sorry you had to go through this :(

:) said...

Poor kiddo! Poor Mama! Hope that everyone heals up well.

andreamatrix said...

Truely, you can't tell at all!
Good thing kids are so resilient.
Too bad adults aren't so much...

Rochelle said...

Sounds like Mads had a great experience at the dentist..I wish I could sleep through a root canal. :) Her tooth looks great!

Amanda said...

That was so sad when I read that. I kept thinking of poor Dave with his tooth knocked out. I am so glad she was able to get it fixed. What a nightmare, man I can imagine how worrisome it would be to go through those experiences for the first time. There is no manual to prepare us for such moments we have to go through with our kids (I have no idea but I can imagine how hard it will be).

Rochelle said...

I'm TOTALLY interested in the "Dance Shoppe"! Where exactly is it? I wish I knew the area'd think I would, but things have been CRAZY to say the least!

Melanie said...

Bless her heart! Sadie did the same thing this summer a little over a month ago. They don't think that they can save the tooth though. I'm glad that it worked out for Madix!

Dawn said...

Oh that's awful! I'm glad it all turned out ok in the end. There is nothing worse than when your baby gets hurt. Your girls are adorable. Coming to Utah anytime soon? I'd love to see you and your cute family.