Sunday, August 9, 2009

Schaub Campout

Our big family reunion Schaub Campout. We meet biannually with about 100 of the Schaubs for a fun filled weekend of camping, games, food, activities and enjoying wonderful company.

Mads really enjoyed all the juice she got all weekend.

Roasting marshmellows, yummy. Both my girls were on a sugar high that night cause they ate about 20 marshmellows. They didn't like them roated though just ate the uncooked ones.

This campground was a cool setup. There's this circular driveway in the middle of the camp where the kids would just ride there bikes around all day.

Still in her pajamas, Ty just woke up and wanted to go for a bike ride. I loved it, I hardly saw Tyler all day she just loved camping.

They had a little dance one night. Me and Ty dancing.

Madix really wanted to ride bikes with all the kids but wasn't quite big enough.

So then she went to this baby one, but not quite as fun.

Cousin Thalia was nice enough to ride Mads around the circle.

Yummy Snowcones everyday.

Blowing bubbles through a sock.

They had these HUGE beetles there the boys collected at night time. I can't believe Tyler wanted to hold one, I don't think she could believe it either, look at her face-ewwwww!

We can't have a Schaub campout without the toilet paper game. It's so fun you sing a song as you pass your toilet paper to your neighbor, faster and faster and the first person who messes up everyone chucks their TP at them and their out.

My Dad took Ty and Brax fishing. They were so excited.

They feel it catch, reeling it in!

They got one!! Tyler loved it, but wasn't sure what to think.

Thanks Grandpa for a fun time fishing!

Me and my sis Kacey

They had this really cool trail, you walk for maybe a half mile and your at the top of the rim with a beautiful view. So here we are taking the kids for a walk.

Me, Kacey and Omy. Look at that view.

Our fam in the woods. We had a great time.


Dre + Drew - Pacific Northwest Living - DuPont, WA said...

So Fun. I love camping!! I remember that toilet paper game! Did you win?

Nancy said...

How fun, I particularly love the schaub scrabble pic!

andreamatrix said...

We are SO playing the TP game at camp next year!

So where did you get the scrabble picture? Brilliant! I'm going to have to "borrow" that idea.

Amanda said...

You guys always have so much fun with you family; you get to do so many fun things! Cutest family ever, Ty is looking more and more like you every day!