Thursday, April 24, 2008


I was tagged by Lindsey but the twist is to add the first picture that comes up when you google search you answer. So here it is.

What is your favorite food? Green Corn Tamale with Baja Sauce (my mouth waters just thinking about it). And of course Macayo's is the place to get it.

What is your age? 31, yea ice cream came up

What is your middle name? Lynn, this is a picture of Lynn University and a service trip they went on.

What is your college major? Recreation, picture is of Yellowstone Park

What is your favorite vacation? Preferably a tropical island, but I'll settle for any beach. (this picture got messed up and I don't want to redo it so just picture the beach)

What is a bad habbit of yours? Complaining, really only to Dave, but I complain a lot to him and it is a bad habbit I need to stop. Good thing he's so positive and most the time will just say, yes or okay :)

I have to add chocolate as a bad habbit, I am a chocolate-holic! Seriously I have to have chocolate everyday! I am really trying to break this one, sometimes I'll go 2 days.

What is your pets name? Meeka, the picture is Meeka's Trading Co., looks like a fun store or site.

What place would you like to visit? I would love to go to Italy, this is the Italy Lakes.

Where would you like to live? No where else than good ol Phoenix, I have to be close to my mom and family.

There it is, I tag Deirdre, Kami, Donna and Rochelle


kami @ said...

Fun to learn more about you. I too love being close to family. Although I would love to be where you are today, cuz it is snowing here - yuck!!

P.S. I am horrible at the tagging thing, it might be a while. But thanks for thinking of me!

Rochelle said...

Fun!!!!! I love tags cuz I learn so much about people.

Nielsen Family said...

I loved your tag!!! Check mine out! Thanks for doing a great job on your sight! Sure love ya

mph said...

Kimber, how the heck do you eat chocolate every day and be as skinny minny as you are??????