Just walking around, checking out things at her party.
She loves punching balloons and is pretty good at it:)
Sitting on Grandpa's lap.
With Kacey
Amanda, Mike and Beckahm
With cousin Jace who is 3 weeks older than her.
The wonderful dinner Gigi made!!
This is classic Tayte face, she does this all the time. She scrunches up her nose- funny.
With both her Grandmas.
Some fun presents.
But THIS BAG was her favorite present. She played with it forever! Funny how that works:)
Cake time!! She kept trying to grab the candle.
She loved the candle and probably would've ate it if I let her.
She was very dainty about eating her cake. Would barely touch it then lick her fingers. (funny how girls are so different than boys)
Sisters! I love how happy Ty and Mads are watching their baby sister!
YEAH for cake!!
Happy Birthday My Adorable One Year Old!!!
What she's doing at 1:
-She's great at walking but NOT with shoes on! She hates wearing shoes.
-She's mastered stairs pretty good, can go down if we get her started.
-Is drinking milk out of sipping cup but would much prefer formula.
-Favorite foods: cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches and otter pops.
-Says "ma" a lot, can say "uh oh" and "da"
-She blows kisses or makes kissy noises and just learned to click he tongue.
-She has 12 teeth!! yowza! 8 in front and 4 back teeth (I don't know if their her molars or just back teeth)
-She understands commands pretty good. If I tell her to go get something she goes and does it.
-She's very territorial especially over me. She gets so mad if I'm ever holding someone else and has become attached to Theresa at the gym and has pushed another baby away from her because she thinks it's HER Theresa.
-She still HATES to ever be alone.
-She claps a lot and knows to wave bye.
-She loves the water and being in the pool and doesn't even mind going under water.
-She hates watching movies at all! My other girls would watch baby einstien and elmo for hours, not Tayte! Want nothing to do with the TV (good and bad).
-She LOVES to be cuddled and rocked to sleep which she usually gets at night time.
Overall she is our adorable little baby that is so fun and we LOVE to death!!!
Happy birthday. Love the cake. Adorable. She is so stinkin cute!
Loved all the photos!! So fun!
Excuse me, why was I not invited to this?! So fun to see her in the dress. Happy birthday Tayte!
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