Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tayters at 11 months

Tayte is 11 months old! This is what she's been up to the last month.
She LOVES bathtime! (as long as someone's in there playing with her).

Ty loves to give her crazy hair at bathtime.

She LOVES her bee blankie. We usually leave it in her crib and everytime I go to lay her down for a nap, she gets her bee blankie and is SO happy about it. Every now and then she gets it out of her crib and thinks it's the coolest thing to carry around her blankie.

Cuddling with her blankie SO happy about it.

Her biggest problem in life right now is being by herself. There's nothing she hates more than being by herself. She has major seperation anxiety. She's the happiest, cutest little baby when she gets the attention she wants, but she gets MAD when she doesn't get it. AND she doesn't ALWAYS get it.

Here I'm on the computer and she's starting to get sad cause I'm not picking her up.

She's standing at my leg getting more mad.

Oh, look at that sad face.

Now she's had it.

Then once I start giving her attention she flips her attitude so fast and is a happy baby.

The other thing she's really figured out is pointing. She points a lot at things.

I was trying to get a picture of all her teeth. She has 8 teeth!

She LOVES being rocked and night time. This is the one time she gets rocked to sleep, mostly by Dave. This is their time. Sometimes if he comes home after she's already asleep in bed he'll get her up any ways just to rock her. This is usually the only time she will really cuddle with us.

Her other obsession this month has been opening and closing doors. It keeps her entertained for awhile.
But then she gets mad when the door closes all the way and she can't open it.

She's a pro at climbing up the stairs the tricky part is teaching her how to go down. But just the last couple days she's been practing going up and down the last couple steps all on her own. Smart girl.

AND the BIGGEST thing she's learned this last month is to walk!!!! She's not 100% walking but she's getting pretty dang good and can walk across the room.

SO cute- her little wobbly walk!

She can even pick things up in the middle of the floor and stand up and continue to walk. Impressive!

She LOVES it and gets SO proud of herself! She often claps for herself also:)
A couple other things about this last month. She got to stay with Gigi and Grandpa for 10 days while we went to Ireland and really got used to them. She even got used to Uncle Benson.

She's a BIG mamma's girl, so if I'm around she doesn't want to go to anyone else (besides Dave).

She's not a big fan of baby food anymore, much rather have table food. And she can eat almost anything now. Her favorites right now are oranges cut up and strawberries, and baby/puff chips.

She loves to talk. We can carry on a whole conversation with her in her own little language. Her real words consists of "uh oh, mama, and no no no no".

Like I said she has 8 teeth and this is really interesting- she has one brown eye and one blue eye. We'll see if it changes.

WOW, I can't believe one more month and she'll be 1!! Happy 11 months baby!


Amanda said...

She is growing like a weed! I can't believe how much she is walking and getting around—crazy! Those pictures of her getting upset were so cute, made me smile :)

The Price Family said...

Holy cow! I can't believe she's 11 months! It seemed like just yesterday we saw you guys in the hospital! Gotta say I was totally LOL at your pics of Tayte getting progressively madder at not getting attention while you were on the computer. The pic of her and Dave rocking to sleep was darling. And again...I'm jealous at your early walkers!!! That's awesome.

Rochelle said...

She's sooo cute! Love that she's walking!

Melanie said...

I can not believe that it's been 11 months already! We need to get together this summer FOR REAL this time! ;o)

Tami G. said...

Such great stuff. You have excellent attention to detail. Your kids will thank you some day :)