Friday, July 16, 2010

Look at those cheeks!!

Tayte at 8 weeks old. She finally decided to wake up to life a little bit. I actually have some pictures of her eyes opened. Look at those cheeks, they're so dang kissable.

She has just started really noticing things. She'll lay under her toy for a long time and kick and talks with her little squeels and even try and swing at it a little.

She's becoming so much more interactive. She knows when me or Dave start talking to her and she gets so happy! She smiles heaps at us and has these huge open mouthed smiles, so cute! I tried to get more pics of her smiling, (she smiles tons) but she is mesmerized by the camera and the flash, just stares at it, and ofcourse won't perform for it.

She LOVES dad! I think she's gonna be a daddy's girl. Anytime she hears his voice she perks way up.

The girls haven't gotten sick of her yet. They have backed off a bit, Ty still likes to touch her all the time and try and hold her. Notice their arm color, it cracks me up how dark Ty is and how white Tatye is. But it will come Tayters, Ty used to be that white too.

And I had to add a picture of my other princess:)

SISTERS..... It was fun having my sister Melanie in town for 3 weeks!! We had a girls weekend at a resort and shopped and layed out and ate and talked:) I'm glad this is what my 3 girls have to look forward to. The dads took the kids camping this same weekend, but did Dave take any pictures? ofcourse not.

Tayters got to stay at the resort with us and Gigi stayed with her most the time. (first time in her life wearing jeans and shoes! she looks so grown up:)


Dre + Drew - Pacific Northwest Living - DuPont, WA said...

cannpt wait to kiss on those cheeks!!! Sisters are awesome and so are sister in laws, cannot wait to come spend time with you! Tayte looks so cute in her jeans, Jaida is still super small, will she ever fit into anything? Still wearing infant

Wakeslider said...

I'm back! Tayte looks just like Dave in these pics. She already looks different from last weekend.

Amanda said...

Cute Pics! Shame on Dave for not taking pictures of the camping outing! :) Boys!!

Can't wait to see you guys in a few days! Glad you got to spend some time with your sisters!!

Nielsen Family said...

I love sister time. You all have such blonde hair. We are excited you finally get to see where we live!!! And Maile can not wait to see her cousins. Loves...does little Tayte have red hair????