-Now that she can really get around she's been more happy and not quite so needy. She still hates to be by herself and play but I guess that's pretty typical for a baby.
-She babbles all the time, but her words consists of "mama, dada," and her latest one that we love is "uh oh" so cute.
-Anytime we say "yay" she starts clapping. And she just learned how to wave hi and bye.
-I think she's getting sick of baby food or knows that there's real food out there and that's what she wants. Her favorites right now are cut up grapes, cooked carrots, grilled cheese sandwich, mac and cheese, chips and dad likes to give her icecream which she LOVES. And she figured out how to drink out of a big kids sippy cut, so sometimes she'll luck out and find Ty or Mads cup with juice and you cannot pry that cup away from her.
-She cruises around the couch and things so good and can stand by herself for a good 20 seconds.
-She's gotten a little spoiled with her naps. Sometimes she lays down really good and goes right to sleep. Sometimes she'll cry and cry so I'll go in there and pat her back. She's so funny, as soon as I start to pat her back she lays right down with a big smile on her face. Then night time is our time to cuddle and rock her to sleep. That's usually daddy's time with her. She's so sweet and as soon as we sit in the rocker she cuddles right up to you. (how can we not do this everynight?)
Happy 10 months Tayter Pie, we LOVE you!!