Wednesday, September 4, 2013


My little man turned the big ONE!! I always thought the first year was the hardest but I have a feeling it's gonna be different with this little monster. We call him trouble because everywhere he goes he causes trouble. But boy is he fun and is growing so fast. I guess he is a typical little boy, so curious and gets into everything and wants to break everything. Sometimes he's a great eater and loves what I give him and other times he hates the exact same thing he loved the day before. I have to spoon feed him unless I want it smeared all over him, his hair and everywhere else. He LOVES to be outside and loves the water. He says ma and da sometimes and that's about it. He loves his sisters, no one can get him laughing like they do. He is a great sleeper. Still takes 2 naps and sleeps great at night. Happy Birthday to my Little N, even with all his craziness he gives me so much joy everyday. Couldn't imagine life without him!

Swim Party!

Dad brought him home his first real "boy" toy... BATMAN

Love this.... just waiting for dad to open his toy

It's cake time!!
He doesn't know what to do with it

Here, try a bite
mmmm, not bad
Are they really letting me do this?
This is fun!
OK, it's getting kinda gross
OK, put me in the bath now
STOP taking pictures of me and clean me up!
Thanks Nixon for coming into our lives, we love you heaps and heaps!!!

1 comment:

Tami G. said...

Happy birthday Nix! He is a total babe and you dress him so cute...but Kimber, c'mon. Cut his hair! Seriously?! Ha ha :)