Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Story of Nixon's Birth

We have been so so anxious to meet our little boy and kept hoping everyday he would come. I was scheduled to get induced Tues night July 24th but then the hospital called me that night and said they were completely booked and had no room for me:( Really bummed, my mom was already at our house ready to stay with the girls for a couple days and Dave was worried cause he was scheduled to go out of town the next week. So we needed this baby out so he could be home for a few days before he had to leave.
So the next day, trying everything to go into labor I even drank some castor oil. SOOO disgusting and it didn't even work! We desperately called the dr. to see if he could see me and do something and luckily even tho he was booked saw me.
We got to the dr.'s about 4pm on Wed. the 25th, he stripped my membranes hoping that would do something but then said it looked like I wouldn't go into labor for few days:( Both hospitals I could go to were overly booked with waiting lists to get in:( We were bummed, then the Dr. said he could try one more thing. He would check my fluids and if they were at all low the hospital would have to take me for medical reasons. So he brought in the ultra sound machine to measure the pockets of fluid around the baby. It had to be less than 5 for them to consider it medically necessary to induce me. It was so funny, he started measuring the space straight across then moved it down a bit to the right so it was a lot shorter and took the measurement- 4.72!!! He totally didn't measure the longest part:), we were SOOOO happy and what a GREAT DR. to help us make it work!! So he told us OK it's below 5, straight to the hospital and we'll get you going. We couldn't believe it. Luckily we had our bags in the car and headed to the hospital.
We checked into the hospital around 5pm, they got us right into a room and all settled. We had the same nurse, Karen, that we had with Tayte. And she is so awesome! They said Dr. Oland would be in around 6 to break my water and I said OK, let's get this epidural going. They got my IV going (pretty much the worse part of the whole delivery), then put the epidural in (kinda painful this time equally as bad as the IV, but the worst was over). It started kickin in before they broke my water. So 4 for 4, have never felt ANY hard contractions! SO thankful for epidurals:)
Around 6:30pm Dr. Oland came in and broke my water to get me going and it worked. Was dilated to about a 4 and contractions started coming. But as contractions started coming on harder little Nixon's heart beat started going way down. Worried about him they stopped my contractions and lowered my epidural, to let him relax. They waited about a half hour and he looked good so they got me going again. I was dilated about 1 every hour.
About 11:45pm on the 25th they checked me and said I was a 10 and ready to go!! Dr. Oland was AMAZING at delivering Nixon. He was so patient and such a great coach. It wasn't rushed at all. I pushed a set about 5 different times. Nixon's head was facing up so the Dr. gently turned it around and then he came out pretty easy.
Nixon Lee Eastman was born July 26th, 2012 at 12:16am. He was 21" long and weighed 8lbs 1oz.
Nixon- we just loved the name.  And Lee is after both his grandpa's, Gerold Lee Eastman and Benson Lee Schaub.
He is an amazing little baby. Not only is he SO adorable, he is so chill and such a good baby! (I know it's just the first week, so keep our fingers crossed he stays that way:) But we LOVE him to death and couldn't be happier.

So excited for him to be here!!

Proud daddy.  SO excited to get his little boy!

His sisters were SOOOOO excited to meet their little brother!

Family that came to visit in the hospital.  Gigi, Grandpa, Chad, Melanie and Kacey

Dave is so in love with his little buddy.  It's gonna be hard for Dave not to give him everything he wants.
 Being the youngest and the only boy I have a feeling he might be a little spoiled.

My little dude

Getting his hearing test done.  He passed 100% both ears.

My Dr. that delivered Nixon.  Dr. Oland.  Excellent Dr!!

All ready to go home and face the world.  My little stud!


Tami G. said...

I still remember how done you guys were after you had Tayte. I'm so glad you went through all you did to get Nixon here. He makes your family so perfect and complete!

Nielsen Family said...

Beautiful little boy. So happy for you both!!!!

Amanda said...

He is so precious and has so much hair—love it! Reminds me of Beck's when he was born. Hope everything gets better with "Little N" soon—you guys are in our prayers!

Dre + Drew - Pacific Northwest Living - DuPont, WA said...

finally getting back on the blog train and getting all updated and caught up after a long SUMMER break. So excited to meet him in a few weeks. Glad Nixon is home and safe. LOVE YOU!