Friday, June 22, 2012

Baby Shower for Nixon

My brother in law Mike made this cool sign for his room.  LOVE IT!!

My GREAT friends Tami and Alisa put together such a fun/beachy shower!  And thanks to Heidi for doing it at her house and decorating and Darah for doing the CUTE cupcakes and Lacie for taking pictures.  I have such great friends!

Tami made us do our Jr. High Pom dance (that we still know) to "Ice Ice Baby"

Tami made this cool "board" themed blanket.  Dave loved it!  And my mom made some really cute cozy blankets!  All the gifts were so perfect for us. I love how everyone knew our style-  beachy and surfy.  

And we ended with a little karaoke.  What a fun shower and great night!!