Monday, November 9, 2015

This Little Dude Turned 3!!!

Good morning my little 3 year old!
We were in St. George for Dallins farewell on his birthday.

My HANDSOME little dude all ready to go to Dallins farewell on his birthday.

His sisters all ADORE him!!

His favorite cousin Screwzie

Showing us he's 3!

Singing Happy Birthday

I'm 3

All his fun new toys!!

Nixon Lee Eastman- 3 years old

He is my little fishy.  He's picked up swimming SO good and is all over the pool!

His best friend Sawyer.  He asks to play Sawyer EVERY day!!
They LOVE each other!!

Helping me make pancakes


Nixon at 3:
This little dude brings so much fun and craziness to our family.
He definitely mixes things up from our 3 mellow girls.
He's a typical boy.  Busy, busy, busy.  Always into something or breaking something or causing trouble.
He alway has an object of the day or week, where he will cary it around constantly everywhere he goes…. a purse, or binoculars, or glasses, or a washcloth rolled up, or a cleat (yes he carried around 1 of Taytes soccer cleats for a day).  It's always the most random things.
He is OBSESSED with "GEORGE" (Curious George) and his "BABAS" (sippy with milk).  At least 3 times a day he lays down with his babas to watch George.  Is ALWAYS asking for his "babas and George".  There's like 81 episodes and he's watched each of them at least 10 times!!
He is a very picky eater.  Hardly ever can get him to eat his dinner.
But he is an awesome sleeper!  Moved into a big bed and still takes great naps.  He wanders a bit at night when everyone is in bed but then will eventually put himself to bed every night.
We can understand about half of what he says:)  He still leave's the first letter off a lot of words.  "Anks" for thanks or "Ove you" for love you….  And he is alway "sooddy"! (sorry) for everything.  He is ALWAYS saying "sooddy":)
We love having this little dude in our home.  He's a lot of work but is so much fun and his sisters are a huge help and is constantly catering to him.
Love you Nix!!

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