Friday, January 30, 2015

Happy Halloween 2014

Halloween 2014
Nixon 2- Master Yoda, Tyler 8- Darth Vader
Tayte 4- Ariel, Madix 7- Rainbowdash
I'm lucky he would put on his costume for maybe a whole 10 minutes and I got a few good pics.  As soon as we went outside he wanted it off and would not put it on for the rest of the night.

Fierce fight between Yoda and Darth

Madix and Kalissa

Face off, Harry Potter and Darth Vader
Kyla and Ty

Pizza time

Dave set up a big movie screen on our garage and a bed in our grass to watch a movie

Morgan and Ty

And we're off

And this is how he trick or treated.  No costume but he was having a BALL!!

He loved it and had no problem running up to get candy.

His best friend that night was Alisa

Boo Dog

It got too heavy he had to carry it this way:)

Our neighbors the Whites.  We're SO sad they moved.

Lining up and counting!

Ready for her preschool party
with her best friend Gwen

Off to school

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