Friday, August 31, 2012

Nixons 1st month

WOW, what an exciting, crazy, scary, fun, emotional, exhausting month. It was so fun to bring Nixon home from the hospital after he was born. The girls absolutely love him to death and are constantly giving him loves and talking in their baby voices to him and wanting to hold him and are so great with him. (yes even Tayte)
I got really sick with a kidney infection for a few days, then Dave had to go out of town for a few days. Then Nixon was home for not even 2 weeks and he spiked a fever of over 103! Yikes, so scary.
So we rush him to the ER where they gave him an IV, a spinal tap along with a bunch of other tests. They conclude that he has a Urinary Tract Infection and since he's so young they have to keep him in the hospital for 7 days to give him an antibiotic through his IV. Oh Boy- the hospital for 7 days with a new born and 3 other kids at home!!
My mom had our girls for the first 3 days then was leaving to go out of town, so Dave called his mom and she flew down to help out. THANK GOODNESS for MOMS!!! What life savers! It was so stressful being in the hospital with Nixon it was SOOO nice not to have to worry about my girls. Thankyou SO much Mom and Sharry!! AND Dave's sister Amanda flew in from Florida to visit and help out. It was so fun having her and adorable Beckahm here for a 1 1/2 weeks.
So we finally got Nixon home all healthy and got to enjoy a few days with Sharry and Amanda and Becks before they had to leave. Nixon loved Grandma and just cuddling and sleeping on her!
So despite the crazy month we are all home healthy, doing great and absolutely loving the new addition to our family. Here's some pics of his first month...

In the hospital.  They had to put a pick line in his head since he had to have an IV for so long:(

1 comment:

Tami G. said...

I'm so happy to see him looking so chubby, and still dark haired! Wish I could hold bad!