They took their pants off so they wouldn't get wet.
They don't get many opportunities in AZ to jump in rain puddles so they ran in and put on their rain boots to jump in the water.
Mads decided it was better to sit on the steps and watch Ty. The water was freezing!
Me 23 weeks prego. Ty said the prayer in primary today and normally she LOVES saying prayers and is so good at them, but not today. I helped her, but still she said it so quiet no one heard a word she said. But that's o.k., first time saying a prayer at church into a microphone at age 3, not bad.
Me and my Mads
Thanks Gigi for these cute twin dolls they got for Christmas.
What do you think, do they look like them?? She had to send in a picture and everything (thanks for helping Tami).